☆they⸝⸝she . ace enby lesbian
true scorpio . enfp . french . 18yo☆

click on kitty for more

click on kitty for less

hi im plopyup aka rat :], i like drawing things.☆i have [counting on fingers] 5 cats and 3 fish tanks☆i use an ipad air and clip studio paint prothings i like:-hlvrai
-portal 1&2
-horror stuff

commission are open

dni if

  • you support nfts

  • you are pro-ship

  • you’re lgbtphobic/ableist, antisemitic/racist ect

  • you fit in basic dni criterias

commission are open

be sure to read my terms of service before ordering a piece from me !


shading options

  • Colors: always by default, just basic colors with no or little shading to make it look nicer, if you just want a flat drawing tell me!

  • shaded: basic colors plus shading, takes me more time but the final product will be more polished.

  • painting: a colored & shaded drawing with more complexity and details. takes me longer than normal shading.

background options

  • no background/colors: always by default, free. i'll provide a version with a color and a transparent version when done!

  • simple background: nothing too fancy, maybe a few clouds, a field.. etc.. if you want this background tell me what you'd like!

  • complex background: where the characters are interacting with the background. takes me wayyy more time than simple background.

terms of service

by purchasing something from me, you're automatically agreeing to my tos.if any of these rules are unclear to you, feel free to ask me for an explanation ! :]may be modified/updated at any point in time.

1- what i will and will not draw

i will draw:
-original characters, fanarts, fan characters
-children to adults-gore-humans, furries, feral characters, mlp, pokemon, etc.. (check with me)

i won't draw:
-nsfw (gore is ok as long as it is not sexual)
-nude, fetish.. anything like that-realistic portraits-characters with self-harm cuts (scars are fine, check with me)-art in someone else's style-tatoos-anyting i am not comfortable with

  • if i mess up on any of the character's pattern, that's on me, don't be afraid to tell me i won't charge you anything to fix my mistake(s).

  • please provide a ref sheet/reference picture for your oc, drawing a character with a text description is very hard (does not apply if you want me to create a custom character), it is okay to provide more details by text of your ref sheet.

  • i will not change the pose if you ask me for a specific one mid-drawing

  • please be polite, any innapropriate/rude behavior will not be tolerated. i am allowed to cancel your commission (+refund you if you paid me)

  • i will try to complete the drawing as fast as possible

2- payment and refunds

  • i only accept payment by paypal (in EURo only).

  • payment is expected after 24 hours unless discussed.

  • if you wish to cancel the commission before payment for any reason there will be no repercussion

  • you will be asked to pay after i check with you if the sketch is fine, i will not continue until paid fully

  • refunds will not be accepted after i finish the piece, if you are not satisfied i will make some changes.

  • if you want a refund while the art is still not completed, i'll only charge you for what i've done so far.


  • if you want to repost/use your commission somewhere please credit me!

  • do not resell the artwork (as shirts, posters, merch and prints.. etc) unless i agreed on it. if it's a custom feel free to resell it without asking first.

  • please do not put your own watermarks on the art (unless if it's on toyhouse).

  • do not trace the artwork to resell it, as a ych, adopt, base.. etc

  • do not use any part of the artwork for nft related purposes. i do not support nfts.




no background - 10€
simple background - 15€


no background - 13€
simple background - 18€


no background - 18€
simple background - 25€



no background - 13€
simple background - 17€


no background - 16€
simple background - 23€


no background - 24€
simple background - 28€



no background - 10€
simple background - 15€


no background - 17€
simple background - 25€
detailed background - 28€


no background - 25€
simple background - 30€
detailed background - 35€



no background - 7€
simple background - 10€


no background - 10€
simple background - 15€
detailed background - 20€


no background - 18€
simple background - 25€
detailed background - 30€


1 drawing, color palette, basic infos - 15€
1 drawing, color palette, infos, close ups - 20€
2 drawing, color palette, infos, close ups - 25€